An Athlete’s Guide to Managing Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis, also called degenerative arthritis, is the most common form of arthritis that results in the breakdown of cartilage. People who overwork their joints or have experienced a joint injury in the past have a greater risk of suffering from osteoarthritis. Its resulting pain and inflammation can become a deterrent in performing your daily activities. Continue reading “An Athlete’s Guide to Managing Osteoarthritis”

What is Kyphoplasty and How Can it Help with Pain?

Are you suffering from back pain and are finding it difficult to move freely? Do you have a compression fracture or a break in one of your vertebrae? And are you looking for a minimally invasive solution? We have a solution at NYSS. Kyphoplasty is an elective pain interventional procedure performed by Dr Sireen GopalContinue reading “What is Kyphoplasty and How Can it Help with Pain?”

Why Choose a Spine Specialist?

Are you suffering from chronic back or neck pain? We are pretty sure your first thought might be, “Why don’t I go see my family doctor for it?” General practitioners can help you with a variety of ailments, including some basic types of back pains or other pains, however, most doctors are taught to lookContinue reading “Why Choose a Spine Specialist?”

Physical Therapy: How is it Effective in Treating Neck Pain & Pinched Nerve?

Pinched nerve, also known as compressed nerve, is a medical condition wherein pressure on one or more nerves results in pain in various parts of the body, mainly the neck. This is majorly caused by extensive periods of constant motion or due to remaining static in a single position for a long time. Moreover, pinchedContinue reading “Physical Therapy: How is it Effective in Treating Neck Pain & Pinched Nerve?”

4 Ways to Ease Your Back Pain While You are at Work

According to research, an average American spends about 12 hours a day sitting down, with maximum hours being spent at work. Sitting for long hours is connected to many health issues, including a greater risk of illness like heart diseases and diabetes. It also causes back and neck pain. While most of us cannot avoidContinue reading “4 Ways to Ease Your Back Pain While You are at Work”

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